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MBE-Certified Solutions from GSC

GSC offers a wide range of enterprise technology products and services and solutions to public and private sector organizations. If you have a technology need, we have the resources and experience to help.

Whether you need a solution for OnBase enterprise content management (ECM), Accela, ServiceNow, Projects on Demand (PODS), SaaS implementations, cybersecurity technologies, network & infrastructure projects, staff augmentation services, or other initiatives, GSC is ready to consult with you and respond to your proposal requests.

We can fill one-off needs that come and go, or supply you with long-term onsite and offsite service resources. Since our business is all about your success, when you let us know what you need, we respond with innovative and cost-effective solutions. With GSC as your services partner, you can enjoy the benefits of timely and cost-effective solutions delivered on your schedule and within your budget.


Challenges We Solve

From initial Requests for Information (RFI) through RFPs, bids and rebids, agencies need to find the best solutions to significant challenges while carefully stewarding budgets and the needs of citizens. GSC is your reliable MBE resource at every stage of the solution journey.


Digital Transformation

Need to change, well, everything?  GSC designs and delivers transformative improvements to public and private organizations, giving you lasting advances in efficiency and security.

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Case Management

Solutions currently used by the Ohio Dept of Rehabilitation and Corrections and the Ohio Civil Rights Commission - meeting their standards and yours!

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AI chatbots are the hot new thing, but the real issue is disruption. GSC offers proven methods for integrating AI systems safely into your current workflow.

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Technology Staffing

GSC's dedicated hiring division places rare talent at exceptionally competitive rates. Rely on us to bring in better candidates and fill tough positions quickly.

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Inspection & Permitting

Authorized Accela Civic platform reseller and Professional Services Provider - the leading SaaS solution for governance used by over 270M citizens worldwide.

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Network & Infrastructure

Whether you need cable pathing or a full-blown software-defined data center, GSC experts have deep experience in creating and upgrading integrated data networks.

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Projects on Demand Services (PODS)

The POD (Project-on-Demand) model is a powerful way to maintain productivity and efficiency while suppressing costs. Let us help you finish projects with swappable talent.

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Blockchain Integration

Blockchain without the buzzwords. GSC offers solutions for integrating practical blockchain security into your data sharing and auditing models.

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Document Imaging

GSC specializes in government document scanning and taxonomies, records retention, and archival & historical items. We offer high-speed digital imaging and cloud storage at scale.

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AI Integration

AI chatbots are the hot new thing, but the real issue is disruption. GSC offers proven methods for integrating AI systems safely into your current workflow.

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NMSDC & Ohio MBE Certified

GSC is Ohio-based, minority-owned and operated with certification from the State of Ohio (Ohio MBE) and the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). We fulfill all the requirements for MBE set-aside for businesses that are certified as minority-owned in Ohio, and qualify for many projects on the basis of our national certification as well. We operate on the Ariba Supplier network and are subscribed to private and government-based RFP portals across the US. 


If your organization has specialized requirements for procurement registration, please let us know how to apply for assessment and certification on your procurement portal of choice. We actively maintain and renew registrations and can supply updated copies of certificates, proof of insurance and other required documentation as needed.

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    MBE/NMSDC source for large-scale technology integrations and professional services
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    State Term Schedule (STS) Registered source for Network upgrade and infrastructure services
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    Certified state agency staffing resource in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, indiana and more 
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    Authorized Reseller and professional services provider for Hyland OnBase, TrueFort and ServiceNow

What can GSC help solve for YOU?

Do you ever feel like you have too many vendors and too few solutions? Let us help!

  • Can you build us a better Case Management system to comply with regulations -- and maintain staff sanity?

    We absolutely can - Case Management solutions are one of our deepest core competencies. We have built and deployed solutions that are currently live in production for several of the most closely regulated agencies in the State of Ohio. While each solution is tailored specifically to the customer, we can build these solutions rapidly within OnBase by Hyland because of our expertise, hands-on product knowledge, and the experience we've gained from providing these solutions in many different settings.

  • How can we manage and track requisitions, maintenance and work orders across our entire (facility/campus/city/county/state)?

    Step 1 is to accept that Excel is not designed to do the things that all too many people make it do; work orders and maintenance processes with layers of approvals or inspections are simply too much to expect Excel or a low-tech solution to solve effectively. GSC has developed highly effective maintenance management solutions for several State of Ohio agencies inside of OnBase, a leading Enterprise Content Management system, and we can easily tailor those solutions for your specific needs. These solutions include sophisticated procedural and event-driven automations to increase efficiency, reduce paperwork, improve outcomes, and speed things up from end to end in your process.

  • Can you help us protect our agency and citizens' data more effectively from breaches and ransomware?
    GSC is one of a small and exclusive group of companies capable of going beyond a single-source technology solution and actually providing remediation -- not just telling you where the problems are, but also fixing the problems for you. We also provide zero-trust microsegmentation enhancements for Sentinel One, CrowdStrike and other popular Cybersecurity platforms, ensuring that in the event of a breach, only the relatively small breach surface will be compromised, rather than everything inside the network. A bad cybersecurity partner can be as costly as an actual breach - they take up time, money and resources and may actually leave you less secure. If your data and your customers' trust matters, you need to ensure your cybersecurity partner is worthy of that trust.
  • Can you help us hire several IT specialists? We know we have the need, but can't reliably test and qualify the best candidates ourselves.

    Needing to hire someone with skills you don't have and can't adequately assess yourself is a common problem for growing agencies and businesses, but it can lead to real setbacks when no one is qualified to determine who the best candidate really is. GSC has recruited, interviewed, and placed critical IT specialists at a variety of state and local agencies in many states including Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Technical resource augmentation is an entire agency-within-the-agency for GSC, focusing on resources for web and app programming, database and platform management, and application experts as needed.

  • We want to leverage AI in a customer service role to deploy our limited resources more effectively. Can any AI be trusted by regulated businesses or government agencies?

    AI services have been in use at the federal level for years, and the news is full of stories about the good and bad outcomes companies have had with AI. In most cases, the bad stories have more to do with bad implementation without sufficient safety rails, controls, and staff training than with any inherent issues with large language models or machine learning. Your customers probably prefer a competent chatbot to a frustrating busy signal, but a poorly integrated chatbot may be even worse than waiting for a human. GSC can help you implement and onboard a variety of AI-based automations, tools and resources safely by leaning into our onboarding and workflow optimization. Technology is a tool and the outcome, not the technology, is the important thing - even when the technology in question is AI.

  • We have millions of print documents we need to capture digitally. Where do we start?

    We hope you'll start by getting in touch with us! What may seem like an overwhelming volume of old documents in boxes, stacks of microfilm and bins of index cards are just an average day's work for GSC. We can scan and save to your Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform of choice or if you need even more organizational help, we can create taxonomies and service policies across the agency and provide ongoing scanning services beyond a one-and-done. We can also help with your retention scheduling to ensure you meet or exceed HIPAA and other information management and retrieval standards.

  • Can you help fix our slow and underpowered internet?

    Your internet provider can only help with the signal coming to your location. We can build or rebuild everything from the cable at the box to your endpoints (wired and wifi) to ensure fast speeds, efficient network traffic routes, and bulletproof network security.

  • Can you help us leverage blockchain-based technology to ensure document and audit security while permitting transparency?
    Now that the hype has died down in the wake of the AI craze, you can be sure that the companies that still offer a solution are committed to the long-term success of those solutions - and probably know more than the fly-by-night companies that are all selling LLMs now. Now that it's an established methodology, blockchain has matured into a proven solution for verifiable truth, transparency and security across a host of use cases. GSC offers a number of specific blockchain technology solutions specific to the needs of both public and public agencies, who need similar but nuanced things from Blockchain. For instance, a private company doesn't need to ensure that its records can be validated in a Freedom of Information Act request, and a public agency doesn't need to ensure its new movie can't be leaked out on social media. But blockchain solutions can solve both problems.
  • Can you bring our inspections and permitting systems up to date?

    Absolutely - with the industry-leading SaaS solution for local and state government! Accela is a powerful cloud-based solution that not only delivers next-generation features and an interface citizens love, but will also stay updated with every new version in the future.  If you think your agency is too specialized or has too many custom forms or processes to work with Accela, GSC can also extensively customize your instance to work smoothly and deliver a far better experience than home-grown, outdated or less feature-rich options.

Still have any questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact to our team.

Get the tech help and proven solutions your organization needs from GSC.

A 35-minute discovery call may be the beginning of the transformation your company needs. We've helped utilities, private companies and public agencies revitalize with technology - now it's your turn.